I’m paying a mortgage, so my home is already protected by homeowner’s insurance, right?

  • Not necessarily. Mortgage lenders do require some kind of homeowners insurance because, like you, they have a big investment in your home. But mistakes do occur and messages do get lost. Some mortgages do include insurance premium payments in your monthly mortgage bills, but some do not.
  • You may think the mortgage lender is paying for the insurance while the lender thinks you are paying for it.
  • Ultimately it is your responsibility to know who is insuring your home and whether the premium has been paid.
  • Contact your lender and insurance company to make sure your policy is in place and the premium is getting paid.
  • Important Note: Some mortgage companies will supply a policy called “forced coverage” if a standard policy is not maintained. These policies are very expensive and protect only the interest of the mortgage company on the structure itself. It does not protect you or your belongings.
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